FORO INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA (EN)2023-10-30T12:36:41+01:00

The Meeting Point of Industry and Energy

The Foro Industria y Energía is the meeting point for reflection and dialogue among all the stakeholders involved in the development and management of energy for the industry. The FIE encourages dialogue and collaboration to place the energy management of the industry at the center of the discussion, as well as to raise awareness of its importance as one of the key factors for competitiveness.

  • The four keys to the success of the energy transition: conclusions report available from Foro Sella 2024

    Demand boost, storage systems, institutional support, and development of the decarbonization industry are the four keys to the success of the energy transition, both from an environmental and economic perspective, as identified by the Foro Industria y Energía (Industry and Energy Forum). These keys are extracted from the conclusions report of Foro Sella 2024, recently published in Spanish and English. The report highlights that due to its geostra [...]

Industry and Energy | FIE News

Foro Sella Advocates the Combination of Land, Data, and People as a Formula for Global Energy Transition

"For the first time, Spain is in a position to combine land plus data plus people. This formula guarantees success in achieving the global energy transition" (José Manuel Albares) "Industry is returni [...]

Experts highlight at Foro Sella Spain’s “privileged position” in European energy sustainability

Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza) has been the venue on May 23rd for Foro Sella 2024, an international conference that has brought together national and international experts who have spoken on aspects [...]

Mark Z. Jacobson: “We have 95% of the technologies we need for the energy transition. And for the ones we don’t, we know how to make them”

The guarantee of renewable energy supply has become a fundamental competitive advantage for undertaking the energy transition and the decarbonized reindustrialization of all sectors of the economy. Fo [...]

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Solar Storage 2023 | Barcelona

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