The guarantee of renewable energy supply has become a fundamental competitive advantage for undertaking the energy transition and the decarbonized reindustrialization of all sectors of the economy. For example, data centers, essential for the development of big data and artificial intelligence, already consume close to 200 terawatt-hours (TWh) of energy per year, and it is expected that their use will increase nearly fifteen times more by 2030.

With the current level of technological development in renewable energies, it is already possible to face the challenge, as pointed out by Stanford University professor Mark Z. Jacobson, one of the main speakers of Foro Sella 2024, the international meeting that will take place in Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza) on Thursday, May 23.

For Jacobson, “current air pollution, global warming, and energy insecurity are fundamentally caused by emissions linked to energy.” To address these challenges, it is necessary to electrify as much as possible and provide this electricity through clean and renewable sources. “We have 95% of the technologies we need to undertake the energy transition. And for the ones we don’t have, we know how to make them. We don’t need miraculous technologies.”

Under the motto “Energy from the Ground to Data,” Foro Sella 2024 will be attended by the Minister of Industry, Jordi Hereu, as well as representatives of leading companies in renewable energy management located in Aragon such as Amazon Web Services, Bon Àrea, and Stellantis.

The meeting will analyze energy as the key to industry development, as well as the relevance of energy sovereignty from the European, national, and regional perspectives, with special emphasis on the role of Aragon as an industrial attraction pole through innovation and energy.

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