FORO INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA (EN)2023-10-30T12:36:41+01:00

The Meeting Point of Industry and Energy

The Foro Industria y Energía is the meeting point for reflection and dialogue among all the stakeholders involved in the development and management of energy for the industry. The FIE encourages dialogue and collaboration to place the energy management of the industry at the center of the discussion, as well as to raise awareness of its importance as one of the key factors for competitiveness.

  • The “Draghi Report” opens the door to a reconciliation of energy and industrial policies.

    Foro Industria y Energía has analyzed the report The Future of European Competitiveness, in which former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi outlines the necessary transformations for the EU to be competitive on the global stage. The report includes 140 measures to promote competitiveness, 21 of which are directly related to the energy management of industry. The document supports the long-standing claim of Foro Industria y Energía to “reconcile [...]

Industry and Energy | FIE News

The European Economic and Social Committee calls for a review of the electricity market to ensure competitive prices and supply security

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has released the Exploratory Opinion on "Competitiveness and Industry," in which it analyzes the competitiveness of the industry in the face of the ec [...]

The challenges of renewables: strengthening networks, promoting storage, and administrative support

The increase in renewable energy to meet decarbonization plans by 2030 poses "more demands on the system," both "on transport and distribution networks" that require "stability and intelligence in the [...]

FIE supports Vice President Ribera’s announcement to open a dialogue with all stakeholders to reconcile objectives in renewables

Vice President Teresa Ribera announced this week in the Congress of Deputies that the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) will activate 'a consultation process with a [...]

The recovery of the tax on energy production should not slow down the competitiveness of the industry

The validation of Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 on urgent measures in the energy sector has brought, among other measures, the recovery of the Tax on the Value of Energy Production, which was suspended duri [...]

Promotion of efficiency and a greater role for ICT, leading to the energy transition in the industry

The transformation of the energy model will bring about an increasingly strong focus on efficiency in a sustainable model that imposes a reduction in overall demand. Access to renewable energy will al [...]

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