The Meeting Point of Industry and Energy
The Foro Industria y Energía is the meeting point for reflection and dialogue among all the stakeholders involved in the development and management of energy for the industry. The FIE encourages dialogue and collaboration to place the energy management of the industry at the center of the discussion, as well as to raise awareness of its importance as one of the key factors for competitiveness.
Spain Achieved Its Lowest Level of Energy Dependence in 2023
Spain's energy dependence level in 2023 stood at 66.8%, almost two percentage points lower than in 2022. This decrease is attributed to a combination of an increase in domestic primary energy production (3.7%) and a reduction in gross energy consumption (-2.2%). To achieve the target of 50% energy dependence by 2030, as established in the PNIEC, gross domestic energy consumption would need to decrease by 10% compared to 2023, and the contribution [...]
Industry and Energy | FIE News
There will be no green Europe without a decarbonized and competitive industry
The new European cycle is taking its first steps with the revalidation that the proposed Commissioners to form the European Commission must pass in the European Parliament. Everything suggests that in [...]
Renewables as an Industrial Attraction: Blackstone to Invest €7.5 Billion in a Data Center in Zaragoza
The announcement that Blackstone will invest €7.5 billion to develop the first phase of a data center campus in Calatorao (Zaragoza) has once again highlighted how the availability of renewable energy [...]
The industry and energy generators agree on the key role of networks in achieving electrification and industrial competitiveness
The need for proper network management as a means to achieve the electrification of the economy is a demand increasingly arising from more sectors. Last week, we highlighted the agreement between PSC, [...]
Small Country, Big Industry
Albert Concepción. Director of Foro Industria y Energía Visc en un poble petit, en un país petit i, tanmateix, vull que quedi ben clar que aixó que escric ho escric per a tothom” Read the full [...]
PSC, Junts, Comuns, and PP agree to promote an investment plan in electrical networks in Catalonia
The PSC, Junts, Comuns, and PP voted yesterday in favor of a resolution proposal presented in the Parliament of Catalonia during the General Policy Debate, which includes the promotion of “an investme [...]
Industrial energy communities: an opportunity for the decarbonization of small and medium-sized enterprises
Decarbonization poses a significant challenge for the adaptation of industrial estates and the small and medium-sized enterprises that make up their ecosystem. They are viewing industrial energy commu [...]
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