FORO INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA (EN)2023-10-30T12:36:41+01:00

The Meeting Point of Industry and Energy

The Foro Industria y Energía is the meeting point for reflection and dialogue among all the stakeholders involved in the development and management of energy for the industry. The FIE encourages dialogue and collaboration to place the energy management of the industry at the center of the discussion, as well as to raise awareness of its importance as one of the key factors for competitiveness.

  • Televisión y despertador antiguos

    The Cost of ‘No’ Ecological Transition for the Industry

    Consensus is growing daily on the need to take adaptation and mitigation measures against climate change. There are many reasons for this, although environmental reasons continue to prevail over others. While the environmental aspect is almost beyond debate, the economic dimension of ecological transition and its consequences for countries and citizens remains a frequent source of controversy. We must be aware that the ecological transition is no [...]

Industry and Energy | FIE News

The four keys to the success of the energy transition: conclusions report available from Foro Sella 2024

Demand boost, storage systems, institutional support, and development of the decarbonization industry are the four keys to the success of the energy transition, both from an environmental and economic [...]

Europe bets on strengthening the role of energy in the Single Market, in line with the conclusions of Foro Sella

The European Council seeks to build a genuine energy union that guarantees clean energy. It is necessary to use all low-carbon solutions, as well as investments in networks, storage, and interconnecti [...]

The Ministry of Industry announces a new line of the PERTE for industrial decarbonization for September

Foro Industria y Energía trusts that, just as in previous calls mainly large companies have participated, this PERTE will help the funds permeate the industrial fabric and reach SMEs, where decarboniz [...]

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FIE2022 / CZFB | Barcelona

Solar Storage 2023 | Barcelona

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