FIE in media2024-04-24T16:31:14+02:00

PSC, Junts, Comuns, and PP agree to promote an investment plan in electrical networks in Catalonia

The PSC, Junts, Comuns, and PP voted yesterday in favor of a resolution proposal presented in the Parliament of Catalonia during the General Policy Debate, which includes the promotion of “an investme [...]

Industrial energy communities: an opportunity for the decarbonization of small and medium-sized enterprises

Decarbonization poses a significant challenge for the adaptation of industrial estates and the small and medium-sized enterprises that make up their ecosystem. They are viewing industrial energy commu [...]

The dilemma of the “Ribera legacy”: managing energy from the supply side or from the demand side?

On the 25th, some Spanish media outlets, including El Mundo and El Economista, reported that Teresa Ribera's Ministry was working on a regulation aimed at “preventing speculative hoarding” through the [...]

The team of Von der Leyen is committed to competitive sustainability with the development of the Clean Industrial Deal

Ursula Von der Leyen presented this week to the College of Commissioners, who will form the community executive for the next 5 years. In this executive, which will have 6 vice-presidents and 26 commis [...]

New record for renewable electricity generation in the second quarter: a step further towards leading green generation

Renewable energies set a new milestone in the second quarter of the year by generating 61.5% of the electricity produced in Spain. This is the highest percentage in the historical series, as highlight [...]

The demand for electricity in the industry breaks the negative trend: first signs of electrification progress?

The increase in the industrial consumption of electricity could reflect the first signs of electrification progress in Spain. Industrial electricity demand rebounded in the second quarter of the year, [...]

The four keys to the success of the energy transition: conclusions report available from Foro Sella 2024

Demand boost, storage systems, institutional support, and development of the decarbonization industry are the four keys to the success of the energy transition, both from an environmental and economic [...]

Europe bets on strengthening the role of energy in the Single Market, in line with the conclusions of Foro Sella

The European Council seeks to build a genuine energy union that guarantees clean energy. It is necessary to use all low-carbon solutions, as well as investments in networks, storage, and interconnecti [...]

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