Foro Industria y Energía trusts that, just as in previous calls mainly large companies have participated, this PERTE will help the funds permeate the industrial fabric and reach SMEs, where decarbonization needs a determined boost.

The Minister of Industry, Jordi Hereu, has announced the government’s intention to launch line 4 of the PERTE for industrial decarbonization in September, with an initial budget of 140 million euros. The minister also confirmed that a second call will be made to complete the 250 million in public funds.

Hereu already announced a month ago at Foro Sella the Ministry’s plans to support the productive capacity of the industry and to make the fight against climate change a factor of competitiveness as well. In his words, “it is necessary to invest in physical capital, human capital, and infrastructure. We are at a moment when the EU has decided to recover and boost the productive and industrial sector.”

Following the announcement of this new PERTE, Foro Industria y Energía trusts that, just as in previous calls mainly large companies have participated, these funds will permeate the industrial fabric and reach small and medium-sized enterprises, where decarbonization needs a determined boost. The Ministry of Industry has highlighted that in this new line of PERTE, they will support tractor projects, meaning projects involving multiple companies, which could increase the chances of access for SMEs.