On Wednesday, June 5th, starting at 9:40 am, Foro Industria y Energía will organize the round table “Decarbonization and SMEs” as part of Net Zero Tech. Given that SMEs represent 99% of business activity in the EU and consume 13% of the world’s energy, this discussion is particularly relevant.

The goal of the round table is to present SMEs with tools they can use to optimize their energy management and improve their competitiveness. Topics to be addressed include the differences between energy management in SMEs and large companies, the tools available to SMEs for optimizing their energy management, and the cost of the energy transition for SMEs.

Participants in the round table will include Sergio Maynar, Director of Neoelectra Energía; Martin Hörndler, Head of Self-Consumption and Distributed Generation Operations and Maintenance at Levitec; Dionís Guiteras, Mayor of Moià (Barcelona) and Vice President of the Diputació de Barcelona; Marcos Fuste Pin, Business Development Manager at Acciona Energía; and Ignacio Bañeres Escribano, Environmental Sustainability Manager at AENOR.

Learn more details about the interventions of Sergio Maynar, Martin Hörndler, and Dionís Guiteras.