FORO INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA (EN)2023-10-30T12:36:41+01:00

The Meeting Point of Industry and Energy

The Foro Industria y Energía is the meeting point for reflection and dialogue among all the stakeholders involved in the development and management of energy for the industry. The FIE encourages dialogue and collaboration to place the energy management of the industry at the center of the discussion, as well as to raise awareness of its importance as one of the key factors for competitiveness.

  • The “Draghi Report” opens the door to a reconciliation of energy and industrial policies.

    Foro Industria y Energía has analyzed the report The Future of European Competitiveness, in which former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi outlines the necessary transformations for the EU to be competitive on the global stage. The report includes 140 measures to promote competitiveness, 21 of which are directly related to the energy management of industry. The document supports the long-standing claim of Foro Industria y Energía to “reconcile [...]

Industry and Energy | FIE News

1st Report from the Renewable Energy Observatory of Foro Sella: Renewable generation covered 54.9% of the national electricity demand in 2023

Data from the Spanish territorial analysis specified with each of the autonomous communities. Renewable energies marked a new historic year in 2023, both in installed capacity and in generation within [...]

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