About FIE

Foro Industria y Energía is a meeting point, a space for reflection and dialogue among all the stakeholders involved in the development and management of energy for the industrial sector. These stakeholders include decision-makers, experts, energy operators, equipment and energy infrastructure manufacturers, as well as industrial companies from all productive sectors. The Forum is the first initiative of its kind in Spain that comprehensively brings together all the actors involved in the energy management in the industry sector.

The FIE aims to promote dialogue and collaboration to place industrial energy management at the heart of the debate and to raise awareness of its relevance as one of the key factors of competitiveness.

We intend to provide an encircling technical and economic vision with a forward-looking perspective, where all the actors in the value chain of energy production and consumption are integrated.


Contributing to the competitiveness of the industrial and energy sector

…through improved energy management and the development of renewable energies. It aims to provide analysis and knowledge regarding the needs of Spanish industries in this regard.


Stimulation of the competitiveness of the Spanish industrial sector by providing analysis and knowledge about its energy management needs.


Promotion and dissemination of knowledge about energy generation systems for both industry and households.


Advocacy and raising awareness about the environment, social economy, demographic challenges, and the circular economy within the industrial sector.


Incentivization and dissemination within the industry of the importance of reliable, affordable, efficient, and sustainable electrical and thermal management.


Event Planning

Planning events, conferences, and other activities related to industrial energy management.

Report Publishing

Publishing reports, articles and press releases. 

and Dialogue

Taking a stance on on topics and current issues related to industry and energy.

Institutional Collaboration

Collaboration with institutions, associations, public servants and bodies regarding industrial energy  management.

Services for Members


Regular reports on industry and energy trends, as well as legislative updates


Free attendance at FIE events, including roundtable discussions, conferences, training courses, and meetings with company executives and government officials


Opportunity for event sponsorships, reports, conferences, and training courses.


Publication of press releases and other relevant information about the company on the FIE website and social media platforms


Proposing events, reports and other activities

How to become a part of FIE

Individuals, companies, and organizations interested in becoming a part of FIE may commit to participating in the activities organized by the Forum, which also serves as a platform to convey the messages of its members through its communication channels to the public opinion and authorities.

FIE offers its members the following services

  • Regular reports on industry and energy trends and legislative updates.
  • Free attendance at FIE events, including roundtable discussions, conferences, training courses, and meetings with company executives and government officials.
  • Opportunity for event sponsorships, reports, conferences, and training courses.
  • Publication of press releases and other relevant information about the company on the FIE website and social media platforms.
  • Support and brokering in dealing with government authorities.


  • Companies and Organizations: €3,000 per year.
  • Individuals: no cost, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

Contact email for registrations: info@foroindustriayenergia.com