The dilemma of the “Ribera legacy”: managing energy from the supply side or from the demand side?


On the 25th, some Spanish media outlets, including El Mundo and El Economista, r [...]

The dilemma of the “Ribera legacy”: managing energy from the supply side or from the demand side?2024-09-27T12:06:19+02:00

New record for renewable electricity generation in the second quarter: a step further towards leading green generation


Renewable energies set a new milestone in the second quarter of the year by gene [...]

New record for renewable electricity generation in the second quarter: a step further towards leading green generation2024-08-05T09:06:07+02:00

Europe bets on strengthening the role of energy in the Single Market, in line with the conclusions of Foro Sella


The European Council seeks to build a genuine energy union that guarantees clean [...]

Europe bets on strengthening the role of energy in the Single Market, in line with the conclusions of Foro Sella2024-07-05T12:41:54+02:00

The Ministry of Industry announces a new line of the PERTE for industrial decarbonization for September


Foro Industria y Energía trusts that, just as in previous calls mainly large com [...]

The Ministry of Industry announces a new line of the PERTE for industrial decarbonization for September2024-06-21T13:29:34+02:00
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