The Spanish manufacturing industry will have a new opportunity to progress in its green transition with the announcement of a second call for the first line of action of the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for Industrial Decarbonization following the success of the first, whose project submission deadline ended on April 17. The new call is expected to open in the second semester of 2024.

The food industry, with 32 projects; the manufacture of non-metallic mineral products, with 27 projects; and metallurgy, manufacturing of iron, steel, and ferroalloys products with 19 projects, were the most represented sectors in the first line of action of PERTE aimed at the green transition of the industry, which has received 144 projects worth 3.000 billion euros in total investment.

For Foro Industria y Energía, the success of the call demonstrates the commitment of the Spanish industry to advance in decarbonization at the pace set by Brussels. “The announcement of a second call and the extension of execution deadlines beyond 2026 will boost this commitment, now supported by a consistent and secure financial framework that will make the Spanish industry one of the most sustainable in the world,” points out Albert Concepción, director of the Industry and Energy Forum.

144 projects worth 3 billion euros of total investment


Projects Presented by Sector

Source: Ministry of Industry and Tourism. Development: Foro Industria y Energía

In the first call, loans worth 118.2 million euros and grants worth 1.000 billion euros have been requested. In total, PERTE will have a public investment of 3,170 million euros and will mobilize up to 11,800 million euros.

Regarding the geographical distribution, Catalonia (26 projects), the Basque Country (20 projects), Valencia (18 projects), Asturias (14 projects), and Andalusia (14 projects) are the regions with the most requests for aid.

Distribution of Projects by Autonomous Communities

Source: Ministry of Industry and Tourism. Development: Foro Industria y Energía

The Department led by Jordi Hereu has detailed that the Industrial Decarbonization PERTE is a “key” initiative in driving towards a more sustainable economy, focusing on reducing carbon emissions in the industrial sector through the use of innovative technologies and eco-efficient practices. Furthermore, it has been noted that a second call for the first line is expected throughout the second semester, for projects whose completion may go beyond the year 2026.


The first line of comprehensive action aid for decarbonization is endowed with 1 billion euros, 500 million in grants, and another 500 million in loans.

Specifically, this line is aimed at public and private commercial companies engaged in industrial activities, as well as associations that are formed with other companies contributing to the decarbonization of a single main installation.