Vice President Teresa Ribera announced this week in the Congress of Deputies that the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) will activate ‘a consultation process with all stakeholders, so that we can identify the best practices to reconcile different objectives in an orderly deployment of renewable energies.’ Foro Industria y Energía welcomes this announcement and supports the importance of including all actors in the industry and energy chain, not limited to large producers and consumers, as it has advocated since its creation.



‘The ecological transition process is not only a matter of technology but also of people,’ said Albert Concepción, Director of Foro Industria y Energía. ‘Dialogue cannot be limited to large companies and major electricity producers; it must involve SMEs, industries from all productive sectors, manufacturers of energy equipment and infrastructure, as well as financial entities and all professionals who are part of the value chain,’ he added.

Transversality is a value that Foro Industria y Energía has emphasized since its inception and includes in its founding manifesto. The minister’s statements endorse this need for transversality when she states that ‘the energy-industry combination is crucial, materializing the competitive advantages that Spain has as an attraction point for industrial deployment.’ She adds that this deployment must also ‘lead to more investment, more training, R&D, more and better employment, thus strengthening the value chain and therefore the strategic position and benefits for society as a whole.’

Foro Industria y Energía, focused since its creation in 2021 on promoting dialogue among all actors involved in the development and management of energy for the industry, makes itself available to MITECO to collaborate in the search for initiatives to adapt the industry to the ecological transition process while simultaneously boosting its competitiveness.

Access the findings reports of Foro Industria y Energía 2022 and Foro Industria y Energía 2023.