1st Report from the Renewable Energy Observatory of Foro Sella: Renewable generation covered 54.9% of the national electricity demand in 2023


Data from the Spanish territorial analysis specified with each of the autonomous [...]

1st Report from the Renewable Energy Observatory of Foro Sella: Renewable generation covered 54.9% of the national electricity demand in 20232024-04-23T16:45:57+02:00

The European Economic and Social Committee calls for a review of the electricity market to ensure competitive prices and supply security


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has released the Exploratory O [...]

The European Economic and Social Committee calls for a review of the electricity market to ensure competitive prices and supply security2024-02-09T14:09:02+01:00

The challenges of renewables: strengthening networks, promoting storage, and administrative support


The increase in renewable energy to meet decarbonization plans by 2030 poses "mo [...]

The challenges of renewables: strengthening networks, promoting storage, and administrative support2024-02-06T10:37:32+01:00

FIE supports Vice President Ribera’s announcement to open a dialogue with all stakeholders to reconcile objectives in renewables


Vice President Teresa Ribera announced this week in the Congress of Deputies tha [...]

FIE supports Vice President Ribera’s announcement to open a dialogue with all stakeholders to reconcile objectives in renewables2024-01-29T09:58:13+01:00

The recovery of the tax on energy production should not slow down the competitiveness of the industry


The validation of Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 on urgent measures in the energy secto [...]

The recovery of the tax on energy production should not slow down the competitiveness of the industry2024-01-19T13:28:29+01:00

Promotion of efficiency and a greater role for ICT, leading to the energy transition in the industry


The transformation of the energy model will bring about an increasingly strong f [...]

Promotion of efficiency and a greater role for ICT, leading to the energy transition in the industry2024-01-17T14:00:19+01:00
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